Thursday, May 5, 2011

At the intersection of heart and mind

Sometimes I feel that I have lost the ability to be inspired. Perhaps I never had it. I just find myself observing the beauty around me and I think: "I should do something! Paint, draw, photograph, write, play, anything! Just do something!" I want to add beauty to this world! I want to be an artist, not simply a viewer of it. I don't want to be a taker. I constantly feel this desire to pick up a pen and write, but when I do, it seems as though the moment has fled. It's as though the connection between the inspiration in my heart and the ideas in my head is not there. I either have a great idea and no inspiration to get me going, or I have tons of inspiration but no ideas with which to execute that feeling.

Right now, I feel inspired, but with nothing to write about, so I ramble. But I suppose that is better than not doing anything.

Maybe that's it. Maybe it's about exercising your inspiration even when you don't know why. Writing those ideas down, even when you don't feel up to it. So that one day when inspiration and idea finally do occur at once, you are able to create something extraordinary.

I cannot wait to be there.