Monday, April 23, 2012

Not enough

I think yesterday was my least favorite 'holiday' ever. Now, Earth Day isn't technically considered a holiday in the traditional sense, but it certainly gets a lot of hype - especially from big companies (by the way thanks to Target for passing out free reusable bags yesterday!)

And while I am all for conservation, and for doing our part. Passing out free bags or planting some trees one day out of the year is not enough. It just isn't, and I think that we all know this. We don't live on the earth one day a year, we don't just use one tree's worth of resources a year. We use the earth and its resources far more than what one day's worth of  'earth appreciation' can heal. Yesterday, whenever someone said "it's earth day!" or something similar, I would respond "earth day? Pfft! Earth life!" I was mostly joking, but the sentiment was not in jest. It's a lifestyle, earth care can't just be one day; unless we would limit ourselves to one day of water wasting, tree chopping  and plastic using.

Are we convicted yet? Just wait.

We can't expect a holiday, celebrated one day out of 365, to change us. Any holiday.

There it is.

What do we celebrate on Christmas? That God sent His Son to earth. Jesus came!

But is He still here?

What about Easter? We celebrate Jesus' death and resurrection, freedom from our sin!

Is Jesus still resurrected? Have you been freed from your sin? Or did we place Jesus back inside the tomb and return the unbearable burden of our sin back on ourselves?

I am as guilty of this as anyone, especially with Easter. I forget sometimes that Jesus isn't doing something about my sin, he already did it. I don't have to wait until next Easter to be saved again. It is done!

So let's keep celebrating-

let's live the Christmas life - celebrating that Jesus is with us every day.

Let's live the Easter life - thanking Jesus for what he did and living free from that bondage every day.

And if it's within your means, try to live an earth life. I know that everyone has a different view on this and it can be controversial at times. We can all agree that the earth isn't the thing we are to celebrate, it's our Creator. But one of the ways in which we can do that, is by taking care of the creation that he has gifted us with. Live a creation life.