Monday, April 25, 2011

I'll give you something to talk about.

When it comes to communication, the world is doomed. It does not matter if you are speaking, typing or tweeting, this generation's version of communication is watered-down, it's lazy and it's ugly. Communication is (or should be) a beautiful thing, and believe it or not, it's a wonderful form of self-expression and individuality. But we are so far from being there because we are forgetting simple things; fundamentals. Now I'm no English teacher, and I certainly don't want to claim my literary talents superior to anyone's. (Although, that was a beautiful sentence, no?) I am one of those people that will read a sentence and subconsciously correct it. To me it is similar to a person wearing their shoe on the wrong foot, or their shirt inside out, and in some cases it's as though some people completely forgot to put their pants on! Then my brain over-heats and I consider saying something. But I fear I would sound rude, or overbearing. So I just sit and keep quiet while my eye twitches and smoke starts coming out of my ears.

Here's the point; nowadays the information is more important than the way it's presented. That may be true when your house is on fire, but when you're talking about how "OMG, its saturday and im board."

I wonder if people actually know that, at best, what their sentence conveys is that they are...

... A BOARD!

NO! That is not important. It doesn't make any sense! If you are going to tell me useless information, please be sure to use proper spelling and punctuation. It is very possible to present important, and even unimportant, information and still use the literary tools you learned when you were a child.

Why don't we just start using cave paintings to communicate? Those are pretty hard to mess up. Hold on a minute, we already do. Facebook pictures say more about us than our words do. Hmmm, food for thought.

My least favorite thing is when I see bad grammar from people I hold in high esteem. I know people make mistakes and I would never hold a few small errors against anyone. Auto correct can be a pest sometimes. I probably made some mistakes in this very post. But when things start becoming a pattern, it shows that you just do not care, and that saddens me greatly.

And do NOT give me that "I don't care what you think about me" garbage, because this isn't about that. This is about me knowing that you are better than that, and you are capable of trying to sound like an intelligent human being. I could not care less about how the world perceives you. I care about you using your brain. Because you have one, and it is capable of doing far greater things than you are allowing it to.

Not only is the structure of our sentences garbage, but so is the substance with which we choose to fill those sentences. Small talk is alive and well people, and it has become our primary language. Every time a person asks me "What's up?" and I involuntarily say "Not much!" I die a little inside. It's a conversational black-hole into mediocrity. I'm so used to responding that way because I am so used to asking that question without truly meaning it. My words have decreased in meaning and I no longer say what I truly feel, or care to hear the answer to questions I ask.

I hope that this was interesting, but I hope it was educational as well. My wish is that we will start making not only good grammar a priority, but the expanding of our minds as well. I hope that we can use our education past and future to further ourselves. It's so easy to have the learning done for us, we'll use for an essay instead of reading a book. We let auto-correct change our sentences without knowing why they need to be changed. We use our calculators for the simplest equations (I'm extremely guilty of this one.) We have cut corners, but in the process we have packed away the knowledge that was so graciously gifted to us by educators who believed we could do something amazing with it.

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